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Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-1 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-2 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-3 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-4 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-5 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-6 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-7 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-8 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-9 Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel-10

Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    Recreational and entertainment space
  • Applicant Company
    DJX Design Studio / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Xiangshang Group / China
  • Design Company
    DJX Design Studio / China

Shuiguo Tangquan is a lifestyle brand dedicated to offering spa destinations in cities.

Located in Xintiandi, Hangzhou, this project occupies a floor area of nearly 20,000 square meters. With profound insights and creative design, DJX Design created a flexible, distinctive spa destination which features free spatial order and a cozy atmosphere, as an attempt to explore the future trend of commercial space.

Gentle, dim concealed lighting produces a subtle ambience in the dark-toned space. The expansiveness and calming atmosphere evoke emotions, and open a journey of healing both physically and mentally.

The dark and light hues create a harmoniously contrasting visual effect. Stone materials and coatings offer a strong contrast as well, forming a unique transition space. Light and blocks are combined to produce a sense of depth, and a tranquil, mysterious interior. The simplistic design languages create an intriguing atmosphere.

The full-height space and progressive design break through monotonous composition, and create a magnificent, striking visual effect. Getting away from the routine of daily life and strolling in this space, people will enjoy fun and surprising sensory experiences.

The project is intended to drive the transformation of commercial space through design approaches. Based on the observations and reflection on the industry, the design team conceived this commercial space centered on people’s internal needs.

The design broke the shackles of rules, and made innovations in core aspects. The space offers cozy experience to customers as if they’re roaming in an “indoor city”. The silent play of light and shadows combined with the calming ambience result in an immersive spiritual realm.

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