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2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower-1 2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower-2 2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower-3 2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower-4 2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower-5

2022 Taipower Calendar—The Heart of Taipower

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
  • Applicant Company
    Elephant Design / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Taipower / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Elephant Design / Taiwan

Heritages across Seven Decades, A Heart that Links 12 Spacetimes
The theme of the 2022 Taipower Calendar is “The Heart of Taipower,” which combines Taipower’s 75 years of rich cultural heritages with modern illustration for the visual designs of the twelve months. For the public to learn more about these cultural and historical heritages, as well as Taipower’s history of accompanying the people in their lives, the calendar features Taipower employees as protagonists and adopts a 45-degree semi-three-dimensional illustration style combined with surrealist fantasy spaces to reinterpret Taipower’s historical buildings, electrification of agricultural villages in rural areas and off-lying islands, and replacement and upgrade of electrical equipment. The calendar presents scenes with rich elements and historical significances. Slick icons and charts are designed according to different time periods for the cultural and historical information that goes along with the main illustrations and the timelines of cultural assets derived from each month’s theme, guiding citizens to more easily learn Taipower’s course of development. The main visual on the cover features an early Taipower fee collector and today’s external line engineer meeting each other in mid-air, and the different pieces of equipment they each carry symbolize the course of technological transition across the decades.

In addition to extending the visual design to calendar, table calendar, electricity bill, greeting card, and notebook, another creative product, which combines playing cards and card flipping game, is added to the portfolio, hoping that citizens can easily learn more about Taipower through the fun game.

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